Each force has an interesting and intricate role.
VERY quickly- I'll explain:
STRONG NUCLEAR FORCE: Now this one has the ultimate power of holding Nuclei in atoms together, and is a very short range force. Probably not a good one for ESP:)
WEAK NUCLEAR FORCE: SO important that the SUN would not burn without it bitches!!! Oh yeah, it also decays nuclear particles.
ELECTROMAGNETISM: Perhaps the most prevalent for mentalism and telepathy. Then again, I don't know that but I sure am guessing! It actually holds atoms and molecules together and determines atomic and molecular structures.
GRAVITY: Funny Oxymoron- despite its prevalence on Earth objects- it is a VERY weak force. I wouldn't go up to your roof and jump off just to test it though- it is still dominant over all earth objects.
Gravity occurs when objects with mass attract each other. In outer space, this causes dispersed matter to coalesce. In theory- it plays huge roles in M- Theory and General Relativity.
JEDI: HA HA- this force does not exist. BUT- I am sure they referred to one of the above:)
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