Friday, October 16, 2009

Superstrings and spacetime dimensions and ahhhh no I'm not making this up...I swear!

Superstring theory seems almost improbable but it strives to explain particle interactions with various forces of nature by modeling them as vibrations of super symmetric strings.

An excellent example is a violin string vibrating and resonating sound. Superstring theory claims reality consists of strings (Planck Length) which vibrate at certain resonant frequencies. Every one of these strings has a unique harmony and these different harmonies determine different fundamental forces.
Perhaps the most radical aspects of Superstring theories are their perceptions of space/time dimensions. Our physical space is believed to have 3 dimensions plus a 4th dimension- time. In contrast- string theories perceive space-time to have up to 26 dimensions.

Superstring theories depend heavily on topology- an extension of geometry and set theory that investigates the structure of a space. Today there are up to five dominant superstring theories- all of which are unified by M- theory. I will discuss M theory briefly in a later post.

Here is an interesting fact: there is a guy whom I believe is my distant cousin and works at the Max Planck Institute in Germany. Damn, if only I could figure this out! What are seriously the odds, dear, of a guy with the last name Buchleitner who is a cosmologist?

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